Cream of Wheat® which is Farina

This recipe group is listed in Breakfast

Serving for four

Prep and Cooks in 30 minutes

Things You Need

  • 2 qt or 3qt saucepan
  • Something suitable to stir with
Cream of Wheat


  • 5 cups water
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1 cup Farina (Cream of Wheat®)

I also add (adjust quantities to your taste):

  • 2 T butter or margarine
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • 1 t honey
  • 1 1/2 cups milk


  1. Measure water into saucepan and heat
  2. Add salt (and butter)
  3. As the water is boiling, stir as you slowly add the farina
  4. Reduce heat to simmer and stir frequently
  5. Continue to simmer and stir for the time directed on the package (some are 1, 2½, 9, or 12 minute simmer time)
  6. Stir in any additional ingredients (if adding milk, save it for last)
  7. Turn off heat
  8. Farina will thicken as it cools
  9. If adding milk, this will be cool enough to serve sooner


Adding the butter, sugar, vanilla, honey, and milk are my preferences. I actually prefer to drink my farina from a tall Tupperware® cup.

If serving in a bowl, you can add the sugar and/or honey on top. This also allows each person to add the quantity of milk they choose for their preferred consistency.

Cream of Wheat milk added

Here is my pan of farina after I have added everything including the milk.

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